- ButterBean - BooBoo - Lucky - WaterMelon - Scooter - Moose - Mama*R.I.P* - Scotch*R.I.P.* -

-Tiny - Face *R.I.P* - Eye - Princess - Brooke - Stripey - Smokey - Shadow - Piper

Friday, May 28, 2010

A new addition to the Garden

We had to get a HOOTIE for our garden

There were CROWS that were eating the CORNS before they were very big
Now the Corns look like this

Much better!

That Hootie is doing a good job!

Chickie update - Momy had a nice "chat" with Chickie last night. When Momy went in the room Chickie was laying up against the wall on the opposite side of the room. Momy sat in the floor and talked to her for 20 minutes, slowly getting closer and closer to her. By the time Chcikie was done talking momy was only about 4 feets from her. Progress .... :)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

other stuff

It seems that when one thing happens 20 other things happen ... so we are going to go back a bit a time and catch up on all the other stuff.

May 1 was the BBQ at the fire station. Momy makes all the cakes ... look at all the goodies ..

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Chickie and babies

Sorry for the delay in pictures. Chickie is now eating but like the food close to where the babies are. The babies were in a box but I have had to take them out and put the blankets on the floor. For whatever reason Chickie would not get in the box and care for the kittens. Chickie is using the box and has starting hissing at me when I get close. She does not seem to mind me touching the babies, cleaning their eyes or giving them extra KMR.
Enjoy the pictures. I hope to have more soon. My sister is planning to keep Chickie. I am looking for homes for the 4 kittens. They are only 3 weeks old so wont be ready until end of June or so. If you know someone that may be interested they can send an e-mail to fatcatbean.

One of the Boys
The light grey is a Girl

Light grey and Black are girls

Monday, May 24, 2010

SUCCESS!!!!! And a TON of other stuff...

First up - no pictures today, Momy says there are not enough hours in the day and getting the pictures downloaded last night wasnt priority especially since Chickie Loo and her babies were in the room where she downloads pictures. Yes! Thats right ... Chickie Loo and the babies in the HOUSE!!! WOOOOO

Its a big fun story and I promise to tell you all of it.

Momy here -
Chcickie has had her babies in the igloo on Auntie C's porch. The last several days (yesterday especially) we have been haveing horrible Thunderstorms. One baby has been up looking out the door of the igloo. ButterScotch has an igloo just like the one Chickie has been in so I went though my cat cages to see which one would fit and the door easily go onto ... found one! Took it to Auntie C's yesterday before the first storm. Well C called about 4 thinking that Chickie was being more squirrely than normal and was worried that she was moving the babies. After the second and third storms I went down, looked in the igloo and all 4 were there. So then I waited. Chickie came on the porch, she looked at us through the window. She sat beside the igloo, in front of the igloo, beside the igloo again and FINALLY ... she went in ... I waited ... wanting to give her time to get settled. Then I walked out of the house took the cage door and held it over the igloo opening sliding the cage upto the opening, moving the door so the only place she could go was into the cage. Uncile R tapped on the back side of the igloo and into the cage she went. I put the door back on the cage and got a finger grabbed by an unhappy claw. It was ok though cause after 3 long long weeks of worrying about Chickie and the babies we had her!!
At that point we got the babies out. 4 sweet little babies. 2 girls and 2 boys. 1 black (girl) 1 light grey (girl) 2 dark grey with darker grey stripes ( boys). Except for needing their eyes washed they all are very healthy.
They took a trip to my house, not very far away maybe 1 tenth of a mile. A box with blankets and a litter box was fixed. Food was put out and the babies were put in their new bed. Chickie was brought in and the door to the cage opened, she ran out looked around and looked terrified.
A few hours later I took her some wet food. She was on the bottom shelf of the bookshelf right next to her babies. From that spot she can see the whole room, especially the door and the babies. A few hours later I checked on her but she still had not eaten.
This morning I took her more food but she had not eaten what she had. In 12 hours shes not eaten, drank or used the box. However the babies looked fat and happy so I think she did feed them.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Here Chickie Chickie

With all the rain we have been having Chickie has moved her babies up onto Auntie C's deck inside the igloo where we think she gave birth to them. Uncleie R said he really got to pet her this morning and that she is very soft and seems like she wants to be sweet. Auntie C took a peek inside the igloo and said the babies are growing and getting bigger. They will be 3 weeks old this Saturday.

We are hoping that the pets continue and we can get Chickie and let her an her babies live the next few weeks inside, then she can be spayed after they are weaned and Auntie C will keep her :)

Seems this mama cat likes things at her own pace!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Its Monday ...

Hellooooo friends .... hope all is well and good!
It is Rainey here in SWVA but thats ok!
Makes the garden grow.

Want to know what I did yesterday ....

I took a nap in the bestest spot EVER!
On top of Dady .. :)

SO what did you do??

Now hows about an update on Chickie Loo

Chickie Loo and her babies live at Auntie C's house. Auntie C is Momys sisur and they live close, walking distance for people but Im not allowed to go there, however I think Lucky has been close, he likes to play in the woods. Anyway.... so Chickie lives at Auntie C's and right now she has the babies in a hidie hole up against the house between some stuff thats stacked up, I think its like building materials cos they are building a workshop so they are very very well protected.

Now try to keep up here friends -

Auntie C and Uncleie R had to go outta town on Thursday - they left Wednesday night late and got back Thursday night late, well Momy fed Chickie Loo and there are other kitties there too. 3 of them actually, 2 in the house Tweetie and Sylva they are 14 years old and brothur and sisur and Auntie C has had them since they were weee lil babies and then there is Phantom and he is outside - he was dropped last fall but more about him when we have pictures of him.

So anyway .. Momy fed them and Chickie ran right up aside Momy and Momy could have petted her little head. so ... moving on to Friday Chickie did the same ting to Uncleie R and he touched her on the head and she kept her furs on didnt even jump outta them .. ha ha :) so progress. YaY!

Momy said she is happy with where the babies are and that Chickie seems to be taking good care of them and all so shes just going to watch and make sure she dosnt move them away, and when they get a little bigger she will snatch them and then work in catching Chickie to have her spayed because being spayed and neutered is important to kitties and doggies.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Toes on Tuesday

Meep here - showing you my pretty little toeseys
I has a black spot on my foot :) hee hee

Its cold here in SWVA

Last evening Momy found dem lil babies - she knows where they are. Since it was suppose to be cold today (and its really cold and rainey) she didnt mess with them in hopes that Chickie Loo will leave them where they are, since they are in a safe and protected place from the wind and rain. Momy is going to try to trap her again soon ... maybe even this evening

Moosie and Scooter have been working hard on the award we got the other day .. no worries we havent forgotten

Monday, May 10, 2010

Post 100

This is out 100th post ... how fun!

We wanted our 100th to be special with some good news ... so we have good news .... and we have not so good news ...

here goes ...

Kittens were found Sunday afternoon. All 4 looked healthy and fat. They were put into the trap and set back where they were and we waited .... and watied .... and waited ... that Mama cat is Wiley .... she triped the trap 3 times and got 1 baby out somehow - it got cold here last night down to 30 degrees so we had to take the other 3 babies out so she could get them and keep them warm. She was at breakfast this morning and we think we know where she has moved them to.
Ive found out that there are 2 ways to set the trap that I have so Im going to try the other way once I have the babies again and hopefully we will get her.

so thats the good and the bad news ... I guess its not horrible news but having to find the babies again is stressful and I was sooo sad last night but I wanted them to survive and didnt want to give up 1.

We got an award :) we will post it tomorrow!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Not Giving Up

BooBoo here to tell you what I heard Momy saying last night ...

she said ... I wont give up .. Im going to get thoes babies!

And I know she will ...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Chickie Loo and babies update .... late

I left work early today to go by the shelter and pick up a humane trap. Got home and changed. Got the items I thought I would need for a tangle with a half wild mama cat. Went to where she had her babies after getting a report from my sister that she had eaten on the porch and ran back toward where they were.

She was keeping them in the front of an old truck that is under the trees in our field, it only has one window open in the back. The one window was sealed and I looked inside but no Chickie, I opened the door and heard babies crying shut the door re-opened the window and walked away leaving her some food, thinking I would come back in a while and try again.

I ran to town and as soon as I came back I went to the truck. Covered the window and looked inside. Again, no Chickie ... humm I saw a baby, opened the door but heard no cries. I crawled in and sadly I found 3 babies dead. None of which were the babies I had seen earlier that were crying. I do not know if these 3 were alive 2 hours earlier, from the looks of them I think not.

All three were fat and looked otherwise healthy, one even still had milk on its face, I can only think that the heat got them and that she was moving the rest when I had been there earlier. I got the three babies out of the truck and buried them in the field. We are now down to 4 babies that once again are moved to an unknown location.

Wordless Wednesday ... or not

Update: Found Chickie Loo yesterday evening. She is in a safe place and all 7 babies were accounted for. I tried not to disturb the area so that she would stay where she was. This morning she is still in the same place. I am formulating and calculating a way to trap her where she is and move all into my house this evening. More later!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

such and such

The mama cat now know as Chickie Loo has moved the babies to an undisclosed location. We think we know where they are or at least the general area but have not seen them yet. Chickie did come to my sisters porch for dinner last night and ate very well. I have a large dog kennel with a door that we are going to put on my sisters porch and start feeding Chickie in front of and hopefully move her inside and trap her. I figure I have a few weeks to do this since the babies were just born May 1. I dont want to move them again unless I have to just because I think she will get mad and take them and I will never find them. I also plan to go by the tractor supply store this evening and purchase a humane trap and will try that as well. I am not against using the babies as a trap but I would like that to be a last resort. At this time I dont think the babies are in danger. I do worry that as they get bigger that she will be able to produce enough milk for them all. I am associated with and actually am on the board of the local humane society and I am pretty sure we have mama cats currently at the shelter. As a very very very last resort I am not against taking the babies and letting another mama raise them, just so I know they will be cared for, spayed/neutered and go to loving homes.

On another note - My sister and I walk about 4 miles on average of 4 times a week. We have decided to ask her neighbor with the boxer if we can take him walking with us when we go. I honestly dont think that he would care. The dog is taken care of he just is not played with or given the attention that boxers need. He got plenty of attention last year when he was just a puppy but now he is 80 pounds and large but extremely sweet. Im thinking that if we can take him for a long walk a few days a week then it will get him some exercise and maybe his family will pay him a little more attention. He is fed and watered daily and his 10x10 cage has an indoor area, he does have protection from the sun, wind, rain and cold. His area is cleaned from what I can tell weekly so he isnt walking around in poo. He just isnt played with like he should be. While I dont like it that he is in a small area I doubt his family can afford to fence in his yard. On the same note it would be far worse for him to be chained, at least he can walk freely and roll about.

Thank you all for your support and suggestions and ideas on catching Chickie Loo. Hopefully I can get her in the next week or so.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Momy Rant Day

Sometimes Momys get time too ....

Momy here - so I guess I need to let some things out and this is the best way I know how. First off I have a sinus infection so If Im snippy well .. thats why. My sister has had this pretty kitty hanging out at her house for a few months. Shes really a pretty cat, long haired and light grey. We found out that my sisters neighbor had the cat and decided to throw it out last fall, lets not even get into the fact that the same ding-dong has a boxer outside in a 10x10 cage, thats not played with or taken in. Well here in South West Virginia we had snow from December 18 until March. We had 3 huge snow storms. Why the idiot threw the little cat out I have no clue and to top it off she was not spayed. So ... last Thursday it was noticed that the little cat was VERY fat ... and then on Sunday morning she was not... ok so now there are kittens. I love kittens for that matter I love cats (and dogs) but mostly Im a cat person. It seems that while people can be fond of both they usually perfer one over the other so while I will do all I can to help a dog I perfer cats. So this poor little cat who is scared of everything has had kittens. Shes a young cat, this should be her first litter so I was figuring on about 3 kittens. NO ... try SEVEN thats right 7 babies. I was like OMG - ok so Ive had a lot of cats over the years and even last year helped my mama cat (which was dropped at my house) care for her 5 babies. It was decided that we would trap this lil mama and get her babies, they were born on my sisters porch and I would take her and them (all 7) to my house and help her care for them. Shes wiley ... and I mean like very wiley ... shes moved the babies 3 times so far and while shes not moving them far I worry that she will. She really does not want us near her but she dosnt seem concerned that we will hurt her babies. I would love to catch her - let her raise her litter - find them good homes - have her spayed and my sister would like to keep her. However this little cat is being difficult and I realize that cats really have a mind of their own but geezzzz!
She is a small cat and while she is coming on the porch to eat I dont think sheg going to be able to produce enough milk by week 3 for all 7 babies, yet another reason I would like to help her out.

So thats my story for today ... thats my rant. . These little ones were born on May 1. I have no pictures of them or her.

Other than that things are well at the ButterBean household.